Your Daily Dose Of Happiness

Mayar Pharma

Stands For Standards!

Mayar Pharma’s rapid growth in the pharmaceutical industry, especially within the GCC and MENA markets, reflects its commitment to improving global health and well-being. With a focus on maintaining high-quality generics, Mayar Pharma is poised to expand its impact on communities worldwide.

Brief History

A materialized dream of the founder is Mayar!

It all began as a dream, which materialized into reality with the founding of Mayar Pharma in 2007. From humble beginnings in a small town in a third world country, we embarked on a journey of continuous growth and transformation. Our voyage took us across seas to one of the world’s most vibrant and diverse metropolitan cities, Dubai, where people from various nations converge for business and cultural exchanges.
Dubai, renowned for its dynamic, multicultural, and multilingual environment, has been the perfect ground for our expansion. Today, Mayar Pharma holds a prominent position in Dubai’s advanced market. We have successfully established B2B relationships globally, spanning the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

Our Products

Our products are at a glace but not limited to the below;

General Medicines

Our general medicines are manufactured to the highest standards of quality and safety, and are backed by extensive research and development. At Mayar pharma, we believe that everyone deserves access to effective and affordable healthcare, and our general medicines play a crucial role in achieving that goal.

Special Medicines

Specialized Medicines are the important part of life sciences our aim is to bring the the quality that meet the standard of healthy life . At Mayar pharma , we are committed to bring change to lives and turn unhealthy life to smiles Mayar pharma believes that everyone deserves healthy and happy life.

OSD Medicines

Our OSD (Oral Solid Dosage) cover our both general and specialized medicines and Mayar Pharma proudly maintain the standard of quality of bringing specialized and general medicines in Oral Solid dosage  are manufactured to the highest standards of quality and safety, and are backed by extensive research and development.